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Odd Ones: Curious gems

· By JWords · Published 2024-03-17T09:34:42.402Z

Constructor's Note
Most cells in this grid contain two letters — use the rebus function to enter them. All other cells contain one letter — “curious gems” gives a hint to what they spell out, depending on how you look at it!
Thought I’d refine my double trouble spinoff format, and I’m very pleased with the result. Expect more puzzles like this one!
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  • JWords constructor · 2024-03-17T09:34:42.402Z
    1A: FrOm ClUeS
    4A: P + ([-w]EATHER)*
    6A: (DINNER+SUP[per])*
    7A: americAN CHORus
    8A: (GE[ms]+LE[ah])*
    2D: decuple definition (yes, I’m aware this is woefully self-indulgent):(reduce, i.e. cut down; fire, as from a job or position; stop shooting, as on a film set; injured, hurt, e.g. with a knife; do, hairstyle; lean, well-built, muscular; thin, reduce potency of, adulterate, as in ‘cut drugs’; portion, take-home, as from communal earnings; miss, avoid, as in ‘cut school’; barb, scathing comment, as in a ‘deep cut’)
    3D: SNOOPS*+R[etirement]
    4D: P(RUN)ING
    5D: EAR+N
    7D: A+LE
    Curious gems: STRANGE / GARNETS
    • AuLeaf 🤓9:47 · 2024-03-17T18:02:25.957Z
      Probably should've read the note before starting the puzzle, huh? :P I enjoyed it, although I didn't think of "hot" as a potential anagram indicator. Loved "buffet" though!
      • JWords constructor · 2024-03-18T00:11:17.296Z
        I was very pleased with the “buffet” clue! I agree that “hot” is a tough one, but I think if you take it in the sense of flustered/animated then it works in my eyes. Definitely difficult to spot and solve, so perhaps another case of “oh but the surface reads so well”-itis. Thanks for solving!
      • nate 🤓14:30 · 2024-03-17T20:22:23.828Z
        Great stuff, really well executed!
        • JWords constructor · 2024-03-18T00:12:02.017Z
          Thanks Nate!
        • j11c 🤓12:18 · 2024-03-18T01:08:59.437Z
          A neat concept well executed - enjoyed the extended multi-definition in 2D!
          • JWords constructor · 2024-03-18T08:01:07.115Z
            Thanks got solving! Really glad you enjoyed
          Direct attention from clues occasionally ignored (5)
          1. 1A
            Direct attention from clues occasionally ignored (5)
          2. 4A
            Ready for baking hot weather, having lost weight after Portugal (7)
          3. 6A
            Holds up buffet dinner with supper half-gone (9)
          4. 7A
            Tether included in six-piece set from American chorus (6)
          5. 8A
            Curious gems Leah halved with joy (4)
          1. 2D
            Reduce fire, stop shooting injured; do lean, thin portion for Miss Barb — or any of those ten! (3)
          2. 3D
            Snoops around source of retirement fund (7)
          3. 4D
            Cutting short message about fly (7)
          4. 5D
            Gross part of the body which allows you to orient yourself north (4)
          5. 7D
            Hoppy one’s articles in English and French, respectively (3)