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Cryptic 5x5 #32 by tuber

· By tuber · Published 2024-08-17T10:27:44.150Z

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  • tuber constructor · 2024-08-17T11:03:59.908Z
    Hello solvers, and thanks for joining me once again in the comments. If you liked the puzzle, go ahead and bash the thumbs-up button above 👍 and let me know how you got on. Here's the usual wash-up:
    ACROSS. 1A. First letter of "success" = S + "fundamental" = CORE. 5A. Anag. RESET. 6A. ME plaintext + reversal of "funding" = AID. 7A. Anag. PSYCHIC minus "hot and cold" = HC.
    DOWN. 1D. Anag. MESS around first letter of "Tory" = T. 2D. First letter of Conservative = C + reversal of "look" = PEER. 3D. Hidden in ensuRELICense. 4D. "Drugs" = ES + "claim" = SAY.
    • DANDALF 3:55 · 2024-08-17T16:57:30.923Z
      Great puzzle, my main comment is purely stylistic - I'm sure there must be a way of referring to Conservative Lord where the Lord refers to peer as in the houses of Lords in the UK for 2D although this is purely for elegance as it is always nice when clues tell a story
      • tuber constructor · 2024-08-17T19:32:22.741Z
        Good shout! I tend to avoid UK-centric knowledge requirements on this forum (often failing in this goal), but for this one it seems I had the Kamala/Walz campaign more in mind.
      • lukadisgre 🤓7:21 · 2024-08-17T21:46:20.961Z
        This was my first real cryptic and it was insane but great! 7:21 does not account for the time I spent searching up common cryptic words on another tab lol.
        • tuber constructor · 2024-08-17T22:41:21.973Z
          Congrats on the solve and may it be the first of many!
        • snag 🤓12:56 · 2024-08-18T15:08:59.827Z
          i enjoyed this puzze!
          • metagloria 2:15 · 2024-08-22T15:24:09.797Z
            Enjoyable puzzle, some tricky clues. Nicely done!
            • Mad Dog 5:55 · 2024-08-22T16:53:24.859Z
              Solid. Very enjoyable!
              Initial success fundamental to achieve goals (5)
              1. 1A
                Initial success fundamental to achieve goals (5)
              2. 5A
                Reset scattered ashes, perhaps (5)
              3. 6A
                Maybe news to me - funding issues from East to West (5)
              4. 7A
                Psychic disturbance, blowing hot and cold? The former! (5)
              1. 1D
                Terrible mess when top Tory's involved in arrests (5)
              2. 2D
                Weirdo Conservative's first to look up (5)
              3. 3D
                Ensure license coverage for antique (5)
              4. 4D
                Dissertation on drugs claim (5)