This is part of an ongoing obsession with trying to make a 3D crossword, by folding the digital paper a la origami. Here's how this one works:
- The grid is divided into 6 3-by-3 regions. When folding along the dotted lines, they make the 6 faces of a cube.
- Each answer in the puzzle reads across two faces of this cube, so for example if a row read ING | MAR | BLE | ACH, you would have the answers INGMAR (Filmmaker Bergman), MARBLE (Children's game need), BLEACH (Sodium hypochlorite, by another name), and then wrapping around the other side ACHING (Longing). The clues are written with the first "fragment" of each clue, so ING is clued as Filmmaker Bergman, etc..
- Because some of the regions get folded "backwards", some acrosses read right-to-left and some downs read bottom-to-top. For ease of solving, I've marked the clues with two stars: * *
- Also for ease of solving, I've written where the other fragment of each clue is in parentheses. I wanted to use brackets to distinguish from parentheses in clues, but Crosshare said no.
- For this example, two-letter answers that read across edges are meaningless. It is only a proof of concept, and I wouldn't have a way to clue them anyways.
- I apologize for all of the jank/bad fill, it's really hard to write one of these. I highly encourage you to try it out and tag with the "cube" tag, I'd love if others can build on this style! Happy solving!