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Odd Ones: Mack from Europe

· By JWords · Published 2024-03-23T18:06:44.878Z

Constructor's Note
Most cells in this puzzle contain two letters — use the rebus function to enter them. All other cells contain one letter — “Mack from Europe” gives a hint to what they spell out, depending on how you look at it!
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  • JWords constructor · 2024-03-23T18:07:52.433Z
    Also the title:
    Mack from Europe: RAINCOAT / CROATIAN
    • JWords constructor · 2024-03-23T18:06:44.878Z
      1A: COPIT*
      3A: R+U+S(HH)OUR
      4A: AGA[r]
      6A: double def (ref: Metropolitan Police)
      8A: A(C)I+DRAIN
      10A: D+A+N+(C[allsign])+E
      1D: cOP USually
      2D: CO+ME
      3D: double def (ref: Scott Joplin, ragtime composer)
      5D: AI+DA
      7D: [vo]TI[ng]+N
      9D: A+C[on]+E[verything]
      • nate 13:28 · 2024-03-23T21:58:01.947Z
        Another great one! I only missed 4A/3D, Aga was new to me
        • JWords constructor · 2024-03-23T23:09:57.041Z
          Perhaps Aga is a bit Brit specific, apologies. At least it’s fully checked I suppose. Thanks for solving!
        • SporcleMirror 🤓3:54 · 2024-03-23T21:49:12.978Z
          R U SOUR is my favorite bit of wordplay here but it’s unfortunate that you had to use “hours” in the clue, given the answer RUSHHOUR. It works so well with “it takes”, I know. Maybe there’s a workaround?
          • JWords constructor · 2024-03-23T23:11:57.254Z
            Thanks for pointing that out, I’ve no idea how I missed that! An earlier version had “very hard” = HH, and I must have forgotten to use any logic when I realised “hours” would make a cleaner surface! Will certainly find an alternative!
          • frostyjhammer 11:36 · 2024-03-24T15:03:07.965Z
            Not from Europe but my ancestors were. Wondering how Croatians are odd ones?
            • JWords constructor · 2024-03-26T21:36:58.399Z
              Ah, apologies, “odd ones” is intended to indicate which series of puzzles this is from, ie. that the odd ‘ones’ (non-rebus cells) give the solutions to “Mack from Europe”. The part after the colon is the only part intended to hint at the meta-readings, which aren’t picked based on any kind of ‘oddness’ but merely two anagrams I enjoy. I’ll find a way to make this clearer in the preamble, certainly didn’t intend to cast any aspersions on Croatians!
            This is only useful for releasing spirits? Cop it anyway! (5)
            1. 1A
              This is only useful for releasing spirits? Cop it anyway! (5)
            2. 3A
              It’s a bad time to drive on the phone: are you feeling like a lemon? That’s getting very hard! (4,4)
            3. 4A
              Jelly not quite finished in oven (3)
            4. 6A
              Touched fuzz in London (3)
            5. 8A
              Sap goes after sloth, getting caught in dangerous downpour (4,4)
            6. 10A
              Delta callsign’s beginning to come in: “Alpha, November, Echo, Tango,” maybe? (5)
            1. 1D
              Cop usually presents a piece of work (4)
            2. 2D
              This guy’s holding up the Crown Office, get over here! (4)
            3. 3D
              Piece of Joplin’s paper? (3)
            4. 5D
              Excellent lawyer for operatic princess (4)
            5. 7D
              Can voting be taken at heart, Norway? (3)
            6. 9D
              Pro: the introductory characters; con: everything after the first letter! (3)