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Take Five (by Five)

· By Anika A · Published 2024-09-09T02:09:40.330Z

5x5 on my way up to a 15x15. I did the smaller ones on paper but now I am trying to practice using the constructor. Utilizing the autofill suggestions takes getting used to -- feels like I'm cheating! :( -- but with some trial and error I got a final result I like. If you make crosswords, do you have a strategy of where to start filling the grid, or what type of word to start with?
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  • lukadisgre 🤓21s · 2024-09-09T10:51:20.894Z
    Don't worry about using autofill, pretty much all the major crosswords you know (NYT, LA Times...) use suggested answers, especially for bigger clues. Also wow a Ruby Gloom reference, what a cool deep cut!
    • Anika A constructor · 2024-09-10T22:38:55.843Z
      Thanks for saying that, I think I'll get used to it over time. And I'm so glad you know Ruby Gloom! 😃
    • ForeverJung 🤓1:42 · 2024-09-09T23:24:05.853Z
      Fine work, Anika!
      • Anika A constructor · 2024-09-10T22:41:14.674Z
        Thank you very much! :)
      • Jason Cathcart 🤓55s · 2024-09-09T20:16:28.440Z
        Autofill isn't cheating! It's a very useful tool, especially with big puzzles. Before I discovered Crosshare's autofill, I would manually look up words that fit a certain letter pattern using other sites anyways. Crosshare just has it all in one place
        • Anika A constructor · 2024-09-10T22:41:03.632Z
          Thank you for the reassurance. And it's true, before when I made bigger puzzles I used to search on crosswordtracker to see what could fit -- this is just a faster and more efficient method. :)
        • Jessica 🤓1:08 · 2024-09-15T15:46:34.782Z
          Good puzzle, thanks. I liked 3D, 4D, 8A
          Bachelor parties
          1. 1A
            Bachelor parties
          2. 6A
            "and to the fella over there with the _____ cute hair" (Taylor Swift lyric)
          3. 7A
            Charged particle
          4. 8A
            Style of dance
          5. 9A
            _____ Directive, in Star Trek
          1. 1D
          2. 2D
            Higher part in men's choir
          3. 3D
            Conviction insurance
          4. 4D
            Surname of cartoon girl Ruby, who lives in a gothic mansion
          5. 5D
            Health, in Lyon