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which one is it again?

· By heron · Published 2024-05-19T05:01:53.213Z

Constructor's Note
inspired by a comment @samurai made in this puzzle by @sendhil. i'm pretty proud of the clues in this puzzle!
thanks for playing--feedback welcome :)
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  • PolygonPuzzles 🤓1:19 · 2024-05-19T05:25:44.200Z
    Very nike! I thoroughly loved every part of this krossword. Ceep on macing more, cnowledgable and quikc-witted heron!
    • heron constructor · 2024-05-19T19:08:36.471Z
      truly a komment of all time
      • PolygonPuzzles 🤓1:19 · 2024-05-21T04:16:31.840Z
        Also, CART/KART (Small vehicle) might work better.
        • heron constructor · 2024-05-21T14:05:35.529Z
          ohh yep, wish i came up with that
    • nate 🤓33s · 2024-05-19T05:14:16.684Z
      kool puzzle 🤙
      • SamuRai 🤓1:41 · 2024-05-19T13:01:44.294Z
        Well done! Now I wish there was a way to “solve” the Schrödinger before the reveal. I could have gotten this one right!
        • Joeby 🤓1:27 · 2024-05-19T19:31:36.603Z
          Fun puzzle, almost got stuck trying to make Kewl fit, but opera brought me back!
          • ForeverJung 🤓1:39 · 2024-05-20T11:03:21.816Z
            Good challenge! Loved the video, too.
            • heron constructor · 2024-05-20T18:58:57.187Z
              in an alternate world OPERA and ORION would both be clued as [It stars stars]
              • The Noah 🤓1:23 · 2024-05-21T18:55:54.643Z
                krazy. 10/10
                • mbensley 🤓55s · 2024-05-23T15:02:47.802Z
                  Fun puzzle, I really wanted ALIST for ORION :)
                  • skunk lover 🤓1:16 · 2024-05-26T00:54:10.638Z
                    No feedbakc here, great puzzle!
                    Measurement used for jewelry
                    1. 1A
                      Measurement used for jewelry
                    2. 6A
                      Performance with a collection of stars?
                    3. 7A
                      It's a collection of stars
                    4. 8A
                      Things a cabin builder or a math student might have to use
                    5. 9A
                      Direction opposite SSW
                    1. 1D
                      Having ✨ immaculate vibes ✨ (imagine this clue in Comic Sans for the full effect)
                    2. 2D
                      Clothing worn to protect you from food in the kitchen
                    3. 3D
                      Rule, as Simba does over everything the light touches in The Lion King
                    4. 4D
                      Got out of bed, like this penguin did at the end of this deeply relatable music video
                    5. 5D
                      Something a sunbather or a math student might get after a while