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· By A7med · Published 2023-09-16T02:13:23.712Z

Explanations:1A SNAKEGOD SNAKE(GO agony - any)D (kneads anagram)9A HAUL Hall homophone10A GATO Hidden11A ENSIGN (r)E(N)SIGN12A NOTMYJOB NO(TM(Y)J)OB (Bono anagram)13A ALIT Tail anagram14A GALL Gaul homophone15A NUNS FIrst letters of newly upgraded nation state18A EASE (l)EASE20A INCH Chin anagram22A WRIT Tire reversed, change E to W24A GARAGE GAR(B)AGE25A GONADAL Go Nadal26A NICEWORK N(IC)EW (y)ORK1D SHENANIGAN SHE N ANIGA (again anagram) N
2D NANO hidden3D AUSTIN Double definition4D KLIMT milk (reversed) + T5D EGGY (p)EGGY6D GANJA Hidden7D OTTO Alternate letters of forty two8D DOUBLETALK Double definition14D GEWGAW GE(WG)AW (wage anagram)16D UNAGI iguana anagram without a17D SHANE Hanes anagram19D SITAR S(I)TAR21D CROC C ROC(k)23D REDO RED O
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  • Adam 🤓11:10 · 2023-09-16T17:49:37.336Z
    NICEWORK! I have some minor comments which might help in the future:
    • If you have an enumeration like (8), that implies that the answer is a single 8-letter word, which confused me for several entries in the grid -- e.g. I would expect NICEWORK to have the enumeration (4, 4). If you don't want to explicitly reveal the number of words in the answers, then leave the enumerations off entirely.
    • I don't think "So play it!" works as a definition for SITAR -- it would have to be something like "something you can play" (i.e. a noun rather than a command)
    • I like the clue for DOUBLETALK, but it's bends one of the rules of cryptics; namely, the parsing of the clue should use words etymologically unrelated to the actual answer. In this case, the TALK clued by speak has the same meaning as the TALK in DOUBLETALK. I think it's fine in this clue, but it can be a problem in other contexts -- e.g. a clue like "Transfer relay (4)" as a ddef for PASS invalid since "transfer" and "relay" are both synonyms of the same meaning of PASS.
    That being said, nice job, and I look forward to seeing more cryptics!
    • A7med constructor · 2023-09-16T19:44:36.416Z
      Thanks Adam. Great point about enumerations. I’ve fixed this. Will think a bit more on the other points. Appreciate the feedback
    • A7med constructor · 2023-09-16T20:18:04.421Z
      1A SNAKEGOD SNAKE(GO agony - any)D (kneads anagram) 9A HAUL Hall homophone 10A GATO Hidden 11A ENSIGN (r)E(N)SIGN 12A NOTMYJOB NO(TM(Y)J)OB (Bono anagram) 13A ALIT Tail anagram 14A GALL Gaul homophone 15A NUNS FIrst letters of newly upgraded nation state 18A EASE (l)EASE 20A INCH Chin anagram 22A WRIT Tire reversed, change E to W 24A GARAGE GAR(B)AGE 25A GONADAL Go Nadal 26A NICEWORK N(IC)EW (y)ORK 1D SHENANIGAN SHE N ANIGA (again anagram) N
      2D NANO hidden 3D AUSTIN Double definition 4D KLIMT milk (reversed) + T 5D EGGY (p)EGGY 6D GANJA Hidden 7D OTTO Alternate letters of forty two 8D DOUBLETALK Double definition 14D GEWGAW GE(WG)AW (wage anagram) 16D UNAGI iguana anagram without a 17D SHANE Hanes anagram 19D SITAR S(I)TAR 21D CROC C ROC(k) 23D REDO RED O
      Quetzalcoatl massages, kneads, at the core removes any agony (5,3)
      1. 1A
        Quetzalcoatl massages, kneads, at the core removes any agony (5,3)
      2. 9A
        Sounds a concert space can carry (4)
      3. 10A
        Alligator shelters cat in Cuba (4)
      4. 11A
        Quit after injecting last bit of heroin and exiling Republican naval officer (6)
      5. 12A
        U2 singer, addled with jaw pain and early yeast infection: “Ask someone else” (3,2,3)
      6. 13A
        Got down and turned tail! (4)
      7. 14A
        I hear old French people have nerve (4)
      8. 15A
        Sister’s origin: newly upgraded nation state (4)
      9. 18A
        Rent without loss is dull (4)
      10. 20A
        Chin wagging a little bit (4)
      11. 22A
        Summons fatigue from East to West and then from East to West again (4)
      12. 24A
        Band type that’s rubbish without a bit of bungee (6)
      13. 25A
        Cheer on Rafa related to balls, say (7)
      14. 26A
        Find the hub of UNICEF in New York and drop dishonesty in the end. Well done! (4,4)
      1. 1D
        It’s a trick. She and neocon outliers are around again, agitating. (10)
      2. 2D
        Conan O’Brien has an old iPod (4)
      3. 3D
        Stone cold Texas city (6)
      4. 4D
        Artist moves milk back to tip of teat (5)
      5. 5D
        Margaret (using a nickname) doesn’t pass dishes like omelettes (4)
      6. 6D
        Weed grows in Michigan jail (5)
      7. 7D
        Preminger is forty two, oddly (4)
      8. 8D
        Speak, speak nonsense (10)
      9. 14D
        Initially, wise guy is into crooked pay, yielding trinket (6)
      10. 16D
        Scrambled iguana, when not top grade, is a Japanese ingredient (5)
      11. 17D
        Classic Western has underwear in knots (5)
      12. 19D
        I am star bound, so play it!(6)
      13. 21D
        Like a gator - cold, hard, not ok in the end (4)
      14. 23D
        Makeover is a Communist hug (4)