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Mini Cryptic #25

· By ObscureFox · Published 2024-01-05T20:00:12.485Z

Constructor's Note
I think this is on the harder side (one is probably just ridiculous), but I'm quite pleased with the surface of a few of the clues. Let me know if they’ve absurd.
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  • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-05T20:00:12.485Z
    Do you think Referee neopronoun supporter? would be sufficient for 1d even though ze is an example of a neopronoun not a definition of it? Thanks!
    • JWords 5:18 · 2024-01-06T00:25:41.385Z
      This is a really interesting question! I want to say that shorter clue would be sufficient, since in the same vein it is standard to use "article" to mean "a," "an" or "the." I think the tough part here is that neopronouns, by design, can be almost anything, which could make solving quite unfair if they became more common in clues. Imagine you have to 'check' all common neopronouns (xe/xim/xyr/ze/zim/zir/zey/ey/em/er etc. etc.) whenever it appears in a grid, that wouldn't make the most riveting solve! But in this case I do think the clue is fair, even in its reduced form, since ze and xe are the first ones that would come to mind and because it's a nice novelty. I'm sure stronger solvers than I won't have trouble getting it!
      • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-06T00:47:41.795Z
        That's what I thought as well (especially the part about how diverse they can be--we've not settled on generally accepted ones yet). I checked several different sources to make sure they all listed "ze" as a common one.
        • Oliver Hardy 3:22 · 2024-01-06T10:00:22.347Z
          This is not a case of definition by example so you don't need any indicators. In my judgement "Referee neopronoun supporter" would be sufficient.
    • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-05T20:00:12.485Z
      My constructor page:
      • JWords 5:18 · 2024-01-06T00:10:33.964Z
        Very tough today! I was only able to get 2D and 5A without cheating. Both 1A and 4A are new to me, and I'd be grateful for a parse on the latter. ZEBRA as a synonym for referee is new to me as well, but does check out! Good stuff as ever.
        • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-06T00:43:20.936Z
          Sure! 4a: Degree = BA (Bachelor of Arts); to prevent = bar; and Babar the elephant is a fictional character that visits Paris in one of the books about him!
        • merlinnimue 🤓2:19 · 2024-01-06T00:16:55.658Z
          Very fun, especially 2d, wish I could be more help on clue writing but im very obtuse on whats legal and what's not... I need a lot more work to even start to attempt to try to reach a fraction of the heights of you geniuses
          • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-06T00:44:20.605Z
            Thanks! It does feel a little random what is okay and what's not. I constantly look things up to make sure I'm okay!
            • Oliver Hardy 3:22 · 2024-01-06T10:01:43.759Z
              The best way to learn is to compile and post then learn from any replies.
            • Oliver Hardy 3:22 · 2024-01-06T10:04:38.386Z
              A toughie!
              1D Not knowing what a neopronoun is caused a problem - are they more prevalent in the USA?
              1D Even though I watch NFL games in the UK I am unfamiliar with the term ZEBRA for a referee, although I see the allusion.
              4A Very clever!
              1A Another word that I am unfamiliar with.
              2D Point of information: in UK crosswords "medal" is a recognised synonym for OBE and it is regularly referred to as a "gong" in popular culture.
              Many thanks for posting.
              • ObscureFox constructor · 2024-01-06T13:01:38.197Z
                1d: generally no, but in my field, you do come across them. 1a: I read it randomly and thought, well I have to include that in a grid. It's not in my speaking vocabulary. One of the things I really like about cryptics is that you can solve clues even without knowing the word. Good info for 2d. That will be helpful!
              Attorney is after unknown powered wind (5)
              1. 1A
                Attorney is after unknown powered wind (5)
              2. 4A
                A degree to prevent fictional though unlikely visitor to Paris (5)
              3. 5A
                Allegorical lion adopted alias: Lando (5)
              1. 1D
                Referee is example of neopronoun supporter? (5)
              2. 2D
                Award British Order within vacuous novel (5)
              3. 3D
                High Priest of dueling Vice President? (5)