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Weekly Crossnumber #1: Return of the Samurai

◆◆ · By SamuRai · Published 2024-09-06T02:25:54.778Z

Constructor's Note
After an extended absence, I’m back! To celebrate, enjoy this small crossnumber, all cells are single digits. P.S. Dear Dad, when you said “Get a salaried job and you’ll never have to work double overtime”, you were wrong.
侍 SamuRai
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  • Account 🤓1:46 · 2024-09-06T08:15:58.014Z
    Huh. I always thought that 1A was the A just below middle C. TIL.
    • SamuRai constructor · 2024-09-06T12:29:31.844Z
      This made me wonder if I got it wrong, but A440 is above middle C. On the other hand today I learned what til means!
      • Account 🤓1:46 · 2024-09-06T23:50:46.836Z
        On another note, welcome back! Commiserations on the work situation.
    • CAN GULLU 🤓23s · 2024-09-06T21:27:04.034Z
      Welcome back!
      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-09-08T00:24:27.764Z
        Thank you.
      • lukadisgre 🤓42s · 2024-09-06T23:27:16.731Z
        Glad to have you back!
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-09-08T00:24:45.422Z
          Good to be back.
        • CarrzzyC 34s · 2024-09-07T06:58:41.887Z
          dang, this is amazing. massive props to you
          • SamuRai constructor · 2024-09-08T00:26:46.943Z
            Glad you enjoyed it. I think I’m going to try to make a weekly crossnumber going forward.
          A above middle C or the sum of the first 17 prime numbers.
          1. 1A
            A above middle C or the sum of the first 17 prime numbers.
          2. 4A
            The smallest triangular number composed of digits of a smaller triangular number.
          3. 5A
            Smallest integer not representable by a signed 8-bit representation (using twos complement representation), or one more than seven ones in binary.
          1. 1D
            A higher number?
          2. 2D
            Sum cops: Jake Peralta’s precinct number plus Robocop’s area code
          3. 3D
            Bond’s better?