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French Dressing 3

· By Melanie Branton · Published 2025-02-03T21:06:20.420Z

Constructor's Note
Solving this crossword requires a basic knowledge of the French language. Multilingual puns abound!
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  • JeffsPuzzles 2:32 · 2025-02-03T21:33:23.659Z
    Great fun once again, though this one outstripped my nearly nonexistent French, so I had to look up a couple of the words. Thanks again!
    • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-04T08:23:18.151Z
      Yes - I'm afraid I thought up one across and just had to use it, even thought it entailed having to try really hard to find other words that fitted!
    • Sendhil Revuluri 2:24 · 2025-02-04T00:29:27.126Z
      Fun, thank you! (Liberal use of Google Translate helped.) I think I understand all of the entries except 4A. Any tips?
      • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-04T08:24:29.495Z
        It's a contained clue (or what I call an ENCLOSURE). "Un petit peu" means "a little bit", so you have to extract A LITTLE BIT of the preceding words to get the name of a fruit (which is the same in English and French).
    Loud eleven in Paris are the centre of attention in happy days (5)
    1. 1A
      Loud eleven in Paris are the centre of attention in happy days (5)
    2. 4A
      Fruit? Joli? Vert? Un petit peu (5)
    3. 5A
      It's sharp to Isabelle Adjani and almost provides fuel for her car (5)
    1. 1D
      Lyon's Nippy? (5)
    2. 2D
      Strangely, genie brings snow to Senegal (5)
    3. 3D
      French schoolkid is almost eleven (5)