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Heart Cryptic 2

· By Melanie Branton · Published 2025-01-31T06:58:13.803Z

Constructor's Note
The HEART of the word is the letter(s) in the centre, so CAT's HEART is A and the HEART of ROME is OM. AT HEART, TAKE TO HEART etc = put it in the centre of the word e.g. Unfortunately, setter at heart has false name = (Unfortunately = ALAS) with (setter=I) at its (heart = centre) = ALIAS. BROKEN-HEARTED = letters in centre in wrong order HEARTLESS/LOSING HEART = letter(s) in the centre removed HEART TRANSPLANT = letter(s) in the centre replaced with different letter(s)
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  • nate 🤓46s · 2025-01-31T20:53:03.462Z
    • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-01-31T22:28:08.245Z
      Thank you <3
    • Brohan 🤓22s · 2025-01-31T21:00:02.090Z
      this is such a good puzzle that I solved it again on a device I'm signed in on so I could tell you. this is such a good way to deeply teach the several forms of "heart" in clues. making it a full mini (without the gaps) is the icing on the cake that makes this genius. thank you for making this <3
      • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-01-31T22:28:44.656Z
        Thank you so much for your really lovely comment = that has made my day! <3
      • Jonathan Airey 🤓2:28 · 2025-02-01T11:14:23.842Z
        • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-01T13:44:51.377Z
          Thank you <3
        • Shark 🤓3:18 · 2025-02-01T20:16:10.749Z
          Danke schön!
          • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-02T18:52:02.518Z
            Bitte schön!
          • Zack Johnson 🤓1:01 · 2025-02-06T14:33:28.044Z
            Nice one!
            • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-06T18:55:37.955Z
              Thank you! <3
            • Brandon Cathcart 🤓2:12 · 2025-02-06T16:51:26.361Z
              Very useful for someone just starting to try cryptics :) Thanks!
              • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-02-06T18:56:21.551Z
                Thank you <3 I hope you will have a very happy future solving cryptics. Welcome to the cryptic club!
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