
Who's Hungry?

· By Sommersmith · Published 2021-09-20T09:00:35.005Z · Crosshare's Daily Mini for 9/23/2021

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  • Mike D 👇37s · 2021-09-20T09:00:35.005Z
    Very nice!
    • Frisco17 🤓36s · 2021-09-20T11:12:16.222Z
      wait so ALOO GOBI isn't just a weezer song
      • Sommersmith constructor · 2021-09-20T16:23:42.064Z
        Is that the one that goes "Oo-wee-oo I look just like Aloo Gobi / Oh-oh and you're Garlic Ginger Naan / I don't care what they say about us anyway / Indian food's the bomb"? I don't know a ton of Weezer songs.
        • Frisco17 🤓36s · 2021-09-20T17:42:11.661Z
          yeah that's the one!
          • V1H 🤓57s · 2021-09-23T01:44:26.838Z
            Huh? Thought you guys were kidding and this was a Weird Al song. I heard the lyrics in my head to the tune of Weezer's Buddy Holly (subs Aloo Gobi).
            • Sommersmith constructor · 2021-09-23T13:01:51.669Z
              "Aloo Gobi" is an actual Weezer song but not one I was familiar with, so I came up with the "Buddy Holly" parody lyrics above.
          • Caroline 👇20s · 2021-09-23T18:09:15.226Z
            I just made aloo gobi for dinner earlier this week! One of the few things everyone in my family likes.
          • Lisa Talya 🤓1:54 · 2021-09-23T00:08:09.481Z
            Took me a while but that was fun! Not a good one to try and solve in downs only mode 🤣
            • Sommersmith constructor · 2021-09-23T01:14:45.361Z
            • JeffPrug 🤓30s · 2021-09-23T00:41:39.928Z
              Impressive downs-only considering 3 out of 4 clues referred to an across!
              • JeffPrug 🤓30s · 2021-09-23T00:41:59.199Z
                Whoops, meant my comment to be a reply to Mike, haha.
                • Lloyd 🤓58s · 2021-09-23T09:25:29.768Z
                  My love of all things Indian food has paid off. To say my sports knowledge is lacking would be an understatement, so ALOO GOBI was my saviour. 🙏
                  • Sommersmith constructor · 2021-09-23T13:02:25.964Z
                    Something for everyone! :)
                  • Jon 51s · 2021-09-23T14:51:53.213Z
                    • Caroline 👇20s · 2021-09-23T18:07:49.938Z
                      Fun one!
                      • Ajay 🤓24s · 2021-09-23T21:57:57.346Z
                        how did you put this together??!?!? I am in awe. I think minis that hang together (ie related words/clues) are TOUGH to make (maybe I am wrong, I'm not a published constructor. Also LOVE the representation. Also I AM HUNGRY NOW
                        • Sommersmith constructor · 2021-09-24T03:48:20.954Z
                          Haha thanks! At this point I've conditioned myself whenever I think of a two-word phrase to check if they would fit together in a crossword. This crossword in particular was constructed immediately after ordering Indian takeout :D
                        • Relentless001 🤓39s · 2021-10-08T03:41:44.782Z
                          Damn that is the easiest one you have done I think
                          • Phil The 🤓1:02 · 2022-07-15T12:47:21.084Z
                            Aramaic insult referenced in Matthew 5:22
                            1. 1A
                              Aramaic insult referenced in Matthew 5:22
                            2. 5A
                              Addition sign
                            3. 6A
                              See 2D (it's also the name of a desert)
                            4. 7A
                              McGwire's 1998 home run rival
                            1. 1D
                              D&D and FF7, e.g.
                            2. 2D
                              With 6A, potato and cauliflower dish
                            3. 3D
                              7A's team
                            4. 4D
                              Continent where 2D 6A originated