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Levonmin #36 - 3D Crossword

· By Ewoly · Published 2024-11-28T08:44:52.780Z

Constructor's Note
This crossword is in the third dimension, a 3x3x3 grid. Use the rebus tool for each cell to indicate the layer (eg. putting the word 'LET' in a single cell indicates 'T' to be on layer C, the third layer). Each clue corresponds to the position and direction (eg. 'C,TL,D' Means it starts on layer C in the Top Left and goes Down). 'Out' clues go between the layers, and correspond to a single cell's rebus. The spoilered text just separates clues and has no other purpose, don't worry. Good luck, you will need it...
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  • quatrevingtneuf 🤓3:57 · 2024-11-28T15:20:46.495Z
    took a little while to understand the system but it was a nice smooth solve after that! pleasant
    • MBITPT 6:38 · 2024-11-29T06:39:29.293Z
      Fun challenge
      • The Noah 🤓4:58 · 2024-11-29T21:11:42.964Z
        Not too hard. 10/10
        • Account 🤓4:07 · 2024-11-30T13:52:41.930Z
          I love it! I wonder how big something like this could be.... Of course, you start running out of places to put the O clues because of the square
          A,TL,A) Tic-___ #### B,TL,A) ___-ray disc #### C,TL,A) Belonging to a woman #### A,TL,O) "If I'm going to be true" #### A,BR,O) Well-suited in learning
          1. 1A
            A,TL,A) Tic-___ #### B,TL,A) ___-ray disc #### C,TL,A) Belonging to a woman #### A,TL,O) "If I'm going to be true" #### A,BR,O) Well-suited in learning
          2. 4A
            A,ML,A) ___-Lanka #### B,ML,A) Cooking spray brand #### C,ML,A) Previously #### A,ML,O) Relaxing water bath #### A,MR,O) "I believe..."
          3. 5A
            A,BL,A) Small green vegetable #### B,BL,A) Unit of current #### C,BL,A) Small speck #### A,BL,O) Writing paper, or a tablet
          1. 1D
            A,TL,D) 5ml #### B,TL,D) Controversial polymer compound #### C,TL,D) Owned #### A,MM,O) Cloth
          2. 2D
            A,TM,D) Plural to be #### B,TM,D) Escape like a sheep #### C,TM,D) One's sense of self #### A,TM,O) Pub drink #### A,BM,O) Expressive rock-music genre
          3. 3D
            A,TR,D) Spy org. #### B,TR,D) Arbiter in batting sports #### C,TR,D) Decay, like fruit #### A,TR,O) Mongrel dog