Crossword compilers often assume you speak French. Clues reliant on a French/English pun or which require you to translate from French to English or vice versa to solve are usually signalled by a reference to a French-speaking place or person. e.g. "Wrong to put Macron's friend on a ship (5)" = (FRIEND in French - the language spoken by Emanuel Macron = AMI) + (ship = SS) = AMISS = wrong e.g.2 "Lorraine's flan (6)" = QUICHE = a savoury pastry local to the Lorraine region of France.
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Yes, it is, although not a common one, even in French (although RUE, of course, is a very frequently used word in French and a great favourite of crossword compilers). Again, I was slightly forcing the only word I could find that fitted. Sorry!