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French Dressing 2

鈼嗏梿By Melanie Branton Published 2025-02-03T20:44:32.123Z

Constructor's Note
Crossword compilers often assume you speak French. Clues reliant on a French/English pun or which require you to translate from French to English or vice versa to solve are usually signalled by a reference to a French-speaking place or person. e.g. "Wrong to put Macron's friend on a ship (5)" = (FRIEND in French - the language spoken by Emanuel Macron = AMI) + (ship = SS) = AMISS = wrong e.g.2 "Lorraine's flan (6)" = QUICHE = a savoury pastry local to the Lorraine region of France.
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  • Shark 馃6:36聽路聽2025-02-03T21:04:33.797Z
    Merci beaucoup!
  • JeffsPuzzles 2:12聽路聽2025-02-03T21:27:56.795Z
    Tr茅s agr猫able! One question: I understand the cluing of 5A, but is it a word?
    • Melanie Branton constructor聽路聽2025-02-04T08:27:01.411Z
      Yes, it is, although not a common one, even in French (although RUE, of course, is a very frequently used word in French and a great favourite of crossword compilers). Again, I was slightly forcing the only word I could find that fitted. Sorry!
    Sang for Celine Dion (5)
    1. 1A
      Sang for Celine Dion (5)
    2. 4A
      Heartless Kate takes Nancy's wine and gets Costner, Spacey or Kline, perhaps (5)
    3. 5A
      French person living on the streets, unchanged on reflection (5)
    1. 1D
      He is the source of pain in Quebec (5)
    2. 2D
      Art gallery starting late and open to the French (5)
    3. 3D
      Nice dinner (5)