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Backwards 2

· By Melanie Branton · Published 2025-01-29T09:29:12.627Z

Constructor's Note
Some cryptic clues require you to spell a word BACKWARDS. They will give you (not necessarily in this order) (1) a non-cryptic definition of the answer (e.g. if the answer is NET, the clue might include the words "fishing equipment" or "barrier in court") (2) a word or phrase cluing it's a BACKWARDS clue, e.g. "in reverse", "retreating", "returning" "the wrong way", "upside down", "after revolution" etc. (3) the word you have to spell backwards (e.g. TEN) OR a non-cryptic clue to the word you have to spell backwards (e.g. Number) e.g.1 Ten returning to get fishing equipment (3) e.g.2 A number returning to construct a barrier in court (3)
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  • John h 🤓3:35 · 2025-01-29T19:31:20.032Z
    I had to look up "Brer Rabbit's Uncle" lol
    • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-01-30T09:20:54.583Z
      Sorry - I hesitated to include Brer Rabbit, as it's highly problematic, obvs, but there's not many other words that fitted backwards!
    • AuLeaf 🤓51s · 2025-01-29T20:17:42.136Z
      I put SILOH at first haha, close enough to Shiloh :p Should have figured the Indian festival would be the side I didn't know
      • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-01-30T09:19:45.009Z
        I was going to put "Witch trial city", but thought that would make it a little too obvious!
      • Jonathan Airey 5:21 · 2025-01-29T22:29:26.618Z
      • Jonathan Airey 5:21 · 2025-01-29T22:29:51.191Z
        • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓32s · 2025-01-30T20:36:18.454Z
          Thank you! I feel myself (very) gradually getting more skilled!
          Took exam again after revolution to get a shocking gun (5)
          1. 1A
            Took exam again after revolution to get a shocking gun (5)
          2. 4A
            After spinning round, Delia was ill (5)
          3. 5A
            Brer Rabbit's uncle in a spin in old Mesopotamian civilisation (5)
          1. 1D
            Sting travelling back in street cars (5)
          2. 2D
            Indian festivals going the wrong way in city in Massachusetts (5)
          3. 3D
            Aircraft tracking system remaining the same after revolution (5)