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Backwards 1

· By Melanie Branton · Published 2025-01-28T13:58:31.437Z

Constructor's Note
Some clues involve spelling a word backwards. Common phrases that clue this are RETURNING, GOING BACK, THE WRONG WAY, GOING UP, UPSIDE DOWN, STANDING ON ITS HEAD, TURNED, WHEN RETIRED, IN RETREAT, AFTER REVOLUTION etc. In addition to the phrase cluing it's a BACKWARDS clue, you will also get 1. A non-cryptic definition of the answer 2. A word or words that you have to put backwards OR the definition of the word that you have to put backwards. e.g. 1 Returning maps, get junk e-mail (4) = SPAM e.g.2 Englishman in Australia comes back to wash the floor (3) = POM backwards = MOP
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  • Will M 🤓1:08 · 2025-01-29T01:28:29.055Z
    Seriously impressive to do a full 4x4 that all works with the theme. Well done!
    • Melanie Branton constructor · 2025-01-29T09:16:01.154Z
      Thank you so much! That is such a lovely comment and has put a happy smile on my face for the day <3
    • trink 3:07 · 2025-01-29T19:56:25.401Z
      love it!
      Communists appear when the German returns south (4)
      1. 1A
        Communists appear when the German returns south (4)
      2. 5A
        Turn the tide and make changes to a manuscript (4)
      3. 6A
        Irish singer appearing in a commercial after revolution (4)
      4. 7A
        Comeback of animated fish is a portent (4)
      1. 1D
        Complete work a second time from scratch when German river flows backwards (4)
      2. 2D
        This cheese is made the wrong way (4)
      3. 3D
        Blyton turns up to eat (4)
      4. 4D
        Olly's partner or Nat's standing on their head (4)