Two parts - Definition and Wordplay.
The definition will come either first or last in the clue.
The wordplay is in the rest of the clue, and involves some of the wordplay types listed below.
Wordplay is often indicated with key words (shown in brackets beside wordplay type).
Anagrams - (upset, mix, build, destroy)
i.e. Noises in restless slumber (7) -> slumber anagram = rumbles
Reversals - (flipped, back, going up (down clues), going left (across clues))
i.e. Upon reflection, mined for fabric (5) -> mined reversal = denim
Synonyms -
Replacement of words with their synonyms
i.e. Agriculture in remote Chinese Dynasty (7) -> far + ming = farming
Abbreviations -
Use of common abbreviations in science and culture, including phonetic alphabet
i.e. Keep a Californian for the right energy (4) -> Ca (California, like in an address) + R (Right, in short hand) + E (Energy, like in Physics) = care
Subtractions - (without, leaves, -less)
i.e. Night animals shun ten battens (4) -> battens - ten = bats
Start/End Selection - (core, start, tail)
i.e. Boy begins jumping over every yard (4) -> [j]umping [o]ver [e]very [y]ard = joey
Start/End Deletion - (heartless, headless, endless)
i.e. Execute gutless desperado (2) -> desperado - esperad = do
i.e. Bottomless teaching drink (3) -> teaching - ching = tea
Every-Other Deletion - (odd, even, sometimes)
i.e. Regular flower enemy (3) -> [f]l[o]w[e]r = foe
Homophones - (speaks, broadcast, echoed, read)
i.e. Hear one victory (3) -> "one" homophone = won
Hidden Words - (within, found in, hiding)
i.e. Old vessel discovered in obscure lichen (5) -> obscu[re lic]hen = relic
Containers - (holding, inside, around)
i.e. Or around a paddle (3) -> O(a)r = oar
Charades -
Combining multiple clues side-by-side
i.e. Look into purchasing first gown (5) -> [p]urchasing + robe = probe
Foreign Words - (French, Paris, Nice, Spanish, Madrid)
Indicates a translation of one of the words in the clue
i.e. Want the Parisian pointer on a dial (6) -> need + le (french the) = needle
Double Definition - (No indication, but these are usually two to three words)
Two definitions side-by-side. No wordplay!
i.e. Trim a tree (6) -> spruce
&Lit clues - (Indicated with ?!)
Clues where the whole clue is a definition and wordplay
i.e. Cop in male form (9) -> "cop in male" anagram = policeman
"Stretchy" clues - (Indicated with ?)
Clues with obscure or "out there" definitions or wordplay
i.e. Stern misfit for monthly troubles? (5) -> stern anagram = rents (monthly troubles)