This experimental puzzle series contains various minigames within it, such as “color math,” anagrams, meta riddles, and more.
The primary theme clues contain ‘math’ problems where colors are added or subtracted to arrive at a theme color, which is then added to a phrase or clue in “quotations” creating either a portmanteau or pun for a final answer that sounds like the answer to the latter half of the clue. The theme color must be included in the answer, and the final portmanteau / pun will sound like the answer to the part of the clue in “quotations.”
Example Purple - Blue + “race starting words” might = ”REDDYSETGO” where “ready” is spelled using the answer to the color math.
Note: Highlighted cells in Puzzles #1 & #2 in the series can only be solved by unscrambling the anagram; pay attention to where the highlighted squares are because the clues indicate only 3 letters but there are 4 highlighted squares and therefore 4 letters in the anagram where applicable.
Please enjoy & share your feedback if you liked any of the minigames