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SamuRai inspired Crossnumbers

· By The Noah · Published 2024-06-18T13:21:35.633Z

Constructor's Note
All cells are numbers. Intended to have one unique solution. @SamuRai
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  • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-18T13:23:19.842Z
    I’m sorry to anyone who spent real time on this
    • Ewoly 🤓1:28 · 2024-06-18T15:56:57.233Z
      i realised it had to at least have some zeroes somewhere, then got the rest ;)
      • SylveonSoulmate 🤓2:50 · 2024-06-18T15:48:55.463Z
        solve path: the multiplication by 6 implies 1-down must be 00 or 01. try both possibilities. either way, the highlighted digit becomes 0, from there, there are only 2 possibilities and it can be shown that 1-down = 1 does not work by 3-across.
        also a small nitpick, 0^0 is undefined. still, great use of almost 3 minutes. made me laugh for sure
        • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-19T14:48:05.832Z
          In my heart 0 to the power of 0 is 1 not undefined. But I’ll grant that at least it’s debatable.
        • SamuRai 3s · 2024-06-18T21:32:33.478Z
          Count me as a fail because I’m use to having 0^0 being undefined. The reason for this is that 0^x ➡️ 0 as x approaches 0 but x^0 ➡️ 1 as x approaches 0. Since either makes sense for 0^0 it is often left undefined. This led me to no valid solutions being possible and I gave up. That said, I am very happy to have inspired evil!. Welcome to the Terrordome!
          • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-19T14:49:50.487Z
            Sorry. In my heart 0^0 is 1, and that’s the result I got from a quick Google to double check, but I’ll grant that it’s at least debatable 😂
            • SamuRai 3s · 2024-06-19T17:37:57.847Z
              I will grant that it is not certainly not incorrect. For anyone following along at home, here is a good video explaining both points of view: In my work, 0^0 comes out of calculus limits, and this is best left undefined. In other fields, such as combinatorics, 0^0 is best taken as 1. I give @TheNoah a +0^0 for this puzzle!
              • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-21T13:57:43.323Z
                Hahahaha! 😃
          • kurtalert 🤓1:32 · 2024-06-18T22:14:45.988Z
            RUUUUUUUUDE lol I'm glad I remember my zero facts!
            • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-19T14:51:41.108Z
              Sorry you don't remember any facts 😉 glad you had zero fun.
            • Account 🤓3:12 · 2024-06-20T20:23:09.418Z
              I was convinced that 2D was a typo. Even ignoring that, everything I tried just pushed the digit sum lower and lower.
              I see others have mentioned, but 0^0 doesn't have a value. 0^x is 0 everywhere and x^0 is 1 everywhere. It's not debatable, it just is.
              • The Noah constructor · 2024-06-21T13:59:05.523Z
                Sorry to have wasted your time. I see that frustrated a lot of people. If I was doing the bit again I would only have subtraction and multiplication clues.
              First digit * second digit = highlighted digit
              1. 1A
                First digit * second digit = highlighted digit
              2. 3A
                1D - 2D = 3A - 1A
              1. 1D
                (First digit)^(Second digit) is one more than 2D
              2. 2D
                First digit - Second digit = 1D*6