A "Sunday" in size and, hopefully, difficulty. It has more 3-letter words than I would like, but I think it flows fairly nicely., otherwise. There is a theme, and I hope it is enjoyable. As always, please feel free to send feedback. Thank you!
This played super smooth and easy for a Sunday-sized puzzle and I thought the theme was fun. However, the movie Holes came out in 2003; I'm guessing the book got released in '98 and you mixed the two.
A lot of NYT puzzles that do these sorts of "zany movie quips" puzzles make it a little harder by not even giving any hints as to the movie. So, for example 31A in this style might just read "Nine ___ down, nine to go! (1998)". The challenge then is to figure out what the "1998" means and how it relates to the theme. Just a thought if you wanted to make the grid trickier.
Thanks for the feedback, Aaron! I am happy to know that my puzzle played smoothly. Was it, too easy for a Sunday? I think I went a little too straightforward... I suppose I could make it trickier by using your suggestion for the themers. I am just worried it will be too challenging. hmm... Maybe Director/date?
I think you were right about the date mix up. I changed it to 2003. Thanks!
My average NYT Sunday is 15 minutes and this took half that, so take that as you will. If you wanted an easy puzzle, I think your grid and clueing is in the right place. In terms of 15x15 puzzles it felt like a tough Monday/easy Tuesday.
That's an incredible average time!! yowza. i am humbled. I do them in about twice that, with my best being 23 minutes, though i have been doing them with a friend every sunday for nearly a year. I live stream them on Reddit, actually. You should stop by sometime, unless you prefer to do them alone, which i totally understand.
I ended up changing the clues in this puzzle, per your suggestion. I hope this makes them a bit more challenging. I might beef up some of the fill clues as well. But for now, i rest.
I thought it was smooth and agree with Aaron's rating -- felt like a Monday/easy Tuesday. Some very smart/clever cluing. And learned a few things, which is always nice. Out of curiosity, how were things clued before the director/year style?
Hello again, Gray. :). I think it was a bit easier than I had intended (was hoping for more of a Wednesday-ish in difficulty), but I am happy that it was enjoyed, nevertheless. Thanks for saying you liked the cluing! That is certainly my favorite part of the process. Before I made the change, I had more detailed clues about the films, like leading actors, awards, etc.