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Themeless Cryptic 001

· By JacksonSets · Published 2024-12-30T17:17:11.667Z

Constructor's Note
My first foray into cryptic construction and clueing!
Checking for previous play data...


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  • JacksonSets constructor · 2024-12-30T18:12:04.297Z
    1A: A(DIE)U
    4A: HAIKU (first letters of fourth-eighth words)
    5A: LAGER<
    1D: ASHER (double-definition)
    2D: ICING = GIN+I+C
    3D: USUAL = US(U)A+L
    • nate 🤓1:05 · 2024-12-30T21:34:01.315Z
      Very nice, clean clues. This is a great debut puzzle!
      • JacksonSets constructor · 2024-12-30T23:02:36.804Z
        Thanks nate!
      • dooiemus 🤓46s · 2025-01-01T00:12:34.903Z
        Keep on setting...
        I have a few issues though.
        1D: Not sure if I would equate "asher" to "dustier", even with the question mark.
        2D: I've seen "see" clue the letter "c" but not in a compound anagram, it feels a bit naughty.
        3D: It's a bit unusual to define "usual" as "not unusual" but I can't argue of course!
        The across clues seemed more than fine though 👍
        • dooiemus 🤓46s · 2025-01-01T13:29:43.594Z
          Please ignore the word "compound" up there! ☝️
          • JacksonSets constructor · 2025-01-01T17:27:18.295Z
            Appreciate the feedback, thanks for giving it a solve! I knew 1D was a bit of a stretch. I have seen other clues employ see = C, but they might have had a homophone indicator now that I think about it. And honestly I just thought 3D was funnier with that, although it is probably a less satisfying solve. Things to learn!
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          1. 1A
            The German in Australia gives foreign farewell (5)
          2. 4A
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          3. 5A
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          3. 3D
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