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Mini Cryptic 13

· By dilly · Published 2024-09-06T10:06:51.766Z

Constructor's Note
Admittedly some funky stuff in here, but hopefully not too difficult! Feedback always appreciated :)
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  • dilly constructor · 2024-09-06T10:12:34.221Z
    1A: it's not in the shape it once was; (OBA[-mas] + DDD)*
    5A: Shot; {r->B}OOSTER
    6A: like literally or no cap; S[nobbish] L[ady] + ANG[-r]Y
    1D: www; D + (U[s]) + BS
    2D: Amusing; D[-rum]ROLL
    3D: frequently; [-s]OFTEN
    4D: P + RAY &lit
    • Jason Cathcart 3:36 · 2024-09-08T16:35:24.310Z
      Where does the "BS" come from in 1D? I can't figure it out
      • dilly constructor · 2024-09-08T18:01:54.767Z
        B.S. = “bullsh*t” = “lies”
        • Jason Cathcart 3:36 · 2024-09-09T03:55:19.627Z
          Ohhh I see, and is it at the end because ".net" puts it at the bottom? Like a net catching it?
          • dilly constructor · 2024-09-09T08:09:19.658Z
            Parse more or less should read like this D (democrat) & BS (lies) take in (net) U (far left US). So net is referring to what the D & BS both do to the U.
            • Jason Cathcart 3:36 · 2024-09-09T18:48:24.045Z
              Ohh I get it now, I was missing “net” as “take in”. Thanks for the explanation
    • Womble 🤓5:26 · 2024-09-06T14:56:17.131Z
      Thanks dilly. 1D really had me confused!
      • lukadisgre 🤓22s · 2024-09-06T23:21:32.769Z
        The clue for DUBS is probably one of the most clever ones I've seen on this site, well done!
        First half of Obama's 3​D animation: it's not in the shape it once was? (3,3)
        1. 1A
          First half of Obama's 3​D animation: it's not in the shape it once was? (3,3)
        2. 5A
          Shot by chicken, opening with "Be not restricted" (7)
        3. 6A
          Snobbish lady starts angry: “Not right to say like literally or no cap” (6)
        1. 1D
          ww​ (4)
        2. 2D
          Amusing, if dispirited drumroll? (5)
        3. 3D
          Losing head in short temper frequently (5)
        4. 4D
          Quietly send out a line?! (4)