Cryptic crossword compilers often expect the solver to have a basic knowledge of European languages - especially French! Signals that the clue involves a pun involving, or a reference to, a word in French include the name of any French city, province or celebrity (living or dead), so "Ache for Juliette Binoche's bread (4) would be PAIN = BREAD in French (the native language of actress Juliette Binoche) = ACHE . "Rae swallowing burgundy wine makes gorge rise (6)" = RAE going around VIN (wine in French, the language spoken in the French province of Burgundy) = RAVINE = GORGE Sometimes, though, these words just signal some vague connection to France, e.g. "Plaster of Paris? (6, 8)" would probably be FRENCH DRESSING (PLASTER being a British term for a Band Aid, which is a type of DRESSING for wounds)
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