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Politics Of Law - Justin Trudeau And Foreign Interference Inquiry

◆◆ · By Brad Boucher · Published 2024-10-21T11:27:33.274Z

Constructor's Note
Test your knowledge of the politics of law, specifically the current issue of foreign interference, by completing this New York Times style mini crossword to the best of your ability.
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    A different, but also supposedly politically biased broadcaster, that sounds somewhat similar to one you're more familiar with.
    1. 1A
      A different, but also supposedly politically biased broadcaster, that sounds somewhat similar to one you're more familiar with.
    2. 4A
      A shortened version of what's needed to receive classified information from Canada's spy agency.
    3. 6A this word doesn't fit into this mini crossword, but I needed a word to fill it out. When given as a name, it means beautiful and endearing. So, I guess you could say Mr. Boucher sees the Law as this.
    4. 7A
      A series of solitary parcels of land separated from each other, but not by land itself. Also, what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might find himself on after the next election if he continues to alienate his followers and supporters by playing politics with important legal issues.
    5. 8A
      Are foreign actors "harassing" Canadian politicians? If so, that could be considered to be this type of activity, also attributed to domestic relationships sometimes.
    1. 1D
      A rocket's propulsion, in addition to what others might call Justin Trudeau's claims about the Conservative Party and potential foreign interference.
    2. 2D
      A C103 nickname.
    3. 3D
      You'd think these animals are slow, like the government's response to potential foreign interference into Canadian politics and law, but they are actually pretty fast. They are also good at storing things, like the Prime Minister stores political attacks, and going long periods without vital resources.
    4. 4D
      Canada's spy agency.
    5. 5D
      A board game involving geopolitics, but also a politicians susceptibility to influence.